Saturday, June 23, 2007


I checked the Ipomoea online and feel rather foolish :) The green varigated is - Sweet Potato Vine and the dark one with the morning glory like blossom is ---- a variety of Morning Glory :) Whatever the name, I'm very pleased with them, LOL. Checking further I find there are about 500 species of this plant. They do make a pretty, unexpected vine for spilling over pots and hanging baskets; the dark one is perfect for my little "forest" garden off my patio, tucked in around the ferns. An interesting color, full and low growing. Nothing there to really climb on but I will watch it none-the-less. The common Morning Glory on the farm was pretty but prone to take over anything it could climb on.

I usually check everything I'm not familiar with on-line before I plant it but this was such a cheap little plant I didn't bother :)

Summer is here!

Summer arrived with heat and humidity. After our cool, rainy spell the plants are having a hard time adjusting. I think this will be another year they don't get to full flower till late in the season. A few surprises - the Bee Balm is blooming, actually a purple rather than the red I'm used to, need to check my books. The Lemon Balm which was frozen down to the root is coming up all over the garden - interesting as it hasn't done that before. And the Tickseed Coreopsis is still trying to take over. The two plants were so pretty last year :) I did know they would reseed but wasn't expecting the hundreds of plants that came up. They are probably 4' at least now, and shading the tomato plants, so every few days we have to pull more out. Oh, we have one tomato ripening! Finally. They don't do well here in town, poor soil and too much shade, so I'll still be buying at the Farmer's Market.

Most of the new plants are doing OK -- we're trying to plant primarily periennials -- but it takes a few years for things to get established here. On the farm we would have been covered in blooms with this many plants. The most expensive plants I bought were the Fragrant Heliotropes, both of which died in the first week, never fails. A nice suprise was a little annual I got at Wal-Mart for $1.48 -- Ipomea. A low growing, spreading plant it said, I got two varigated and two "bronze". All four are beautiful after only a few weeks and the dark, bronze ones have pale lavender flowers on them, similar to a morning glory. Quite pretty; the ones in the ground are spreading nicely and those in pot are spilling over the sides.

I took pictures this morning for my garden journal and will post a few as I get them edited.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Rain, Rain and more Rain!

Another day of rain! I'm beginning to worry about a few of the herbs - they don't do well in this wet weather. I just made a tour of the garden and while there is a lot of rain, the plants aren't as beat down as they were in the last storm. Hopefully, they are getting strong enough to withstand the storms.

I've harvested Lavender twice already and could do a third; same with Sage and Oregeno. I cut the Thyme back to about half - and will let the Lemon Thyme grow a bit more. The Costmary plant I got is doing well and the Borage is about a foot tall now and flowering, so should be a good year for it. The Lemon Verbenas too are doing well, I have one in the ground and one potted but don't have a place to overwinter them so will have to be content with harvesting the leaves through the summer. The hardy Rosemarys are thriving, not sure about the others yet.

This continues to be an interesting year, weather wise :) Plus, we have more insects than I can remember...even having some trouble with the herbs and insects usually never bother them. We are reluctant to have the yard sprayed so will see what happens.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Friday morning

A big storm with high wind was predicted for last night so took the trouble to bring in all the hanging plants and move the rest so they wouldn't get damaged. The storm did come but was all thunder, lightening with a little rain. So this morning, I had to take everything out again.

With the exception of some annuals for color in the front, all the planting is done. Still pulling the Coreopsis out -- from that one plant we bought last year, and didn't deadhead, hundreds came up. We pulled many while they were small and gave them away, pulled more and put them in other areas, but yesterday the ones we let grow were threatening to take over the roses as well as the tomato plants. We don't get a lot of sun in the back, here in town, so have to make the most of what we do have.

The storm did cool it down some, which will help the new plants. I was able to find Borage at the Farmer's Market this year. Have two plants in and hope they like it here and will reseed. I make an herb punch that take two handfuls of Borage leaves and haven't been able to have it for a couple of years as I couldn't find it here.

I'm trying to get as many perennials in as I can so they will grow and fill in; tucking bulbs in around the base of some. With so much shade here it's hard to find things that will give color. The astilbes are finally blooming but not near as tall as I'd hoped they'd be.

My new plant this year is Corkscrew Rush, wiry, twisted, grasslike foliage. One of the few plants that like wet feet, I'm watching it closely, but may have to dig it up and pot it. Ihad hoped the Jewel of Opar I planted last year, and loved, would reseed - as it should have. Nothing showing yet but I'm still hoping it's our crazy weather slowing them down.

So, how is your garden growing? Send me some pictures of your garden and I'll post them.