Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Our New Home

Our new home!  

Yes, it's a barn.  3500' Horse Barn, LOL.  

For now, we're living in the tiny upstairs living quarters but come spring we'll start turning a large portion of the downstairs into a huge family room, workshop, living area.

OakRidgeFarm lives again, in real life!

Yes!   After 10 years of living in town we have once again found property to bring OakRidgeFarm back to life.

Come along with us on this new journey by following this blog, and our website,

Sunday, January 3, 2010

A New Year

It was a White Christmas and today we're blessed with another snowfall.  I love the beauty of the snow, it's a thrill for this California born and bred girl :)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring is here!

I don't post here much but once everything starts growing I get excited about working outside. The herbs have been up for several weeks and a few have spread so much they'll have to be thinned soon.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


The flooding has abated some and as the weather dries out and it warms up there are more flowers blooming.

Monday, June 23, 2008

New Plant

I put in a new Rosemary this year, it's called Island Spice. Has a slightly fruity scent, not as piney as regular Rosemary. Supposed to be excellent for cooking. While it looks similar, the leaves are quite thick. I've not cooked with it yet but looking forward to it.

June 23rd Catch-up

Our girls, Katie and Shyanne, on their first trip to the river. Our granddaughter took us down to Swan Creek, see below, for the weekend for Father's Day and the girls had a ball. They are Chinese Crested Powderpuffs and are usually soft and fluffy :) Their long hair has to be brushed every day.
Swan Creek. Was a beautiful spot and we had a wonderful time. She has a friend who has a cabin near there and that's where we stayed. Could just walk down to the creek. Really a river, swift moving and the bottom was very slippery. I think we all took at least one fall :)

Bougainvillea on the patio, and my little private garden right off the patio. I usually have several hanging pots on the patio, but this year there is too much chance of damage with the storms. They get blown down and it's too much trouble to try and bring everything in for each storm.
My husbands cat relaxing after we got the edging finished.
I don't rememeber the name of this plant without looking it up. I got it at the farmers market last year, was just a small plant with a few bells on it. this year it grew quite tall and was covered with flowers. The rains have beat it down some, but it's still pretty.
This is another Lysimachia, I can't remember what she told me. I get native plants from a woman at the Farmer's Market. This was taken early. The spires grew to about 12" in length and covered the plant. Unfortunately, the storms have almost destroyed it for this year.